Ffmpeg concat audio out of sync
Ffmpeg concat audio out of sync

However, the end result is a video that starts with the video and audio synced together, but eventually become out of sync, with the video lagging well behind the audio. c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame : ProbabilityInterpretation.mp4īecause of lag between my webcam and what appears on screen, I do intentionally start the video and audio at different times so that they can eventually become in sync. gravity southeast -geometry +32+32 -resize $(SIZEW)x$(SIZEH) : img/thumb.png audio/clip.wavįfmpeg -i audio/clip.wav -loop 1 -t 6 -i img/thumb.png -vf "fade=t=in:st=0:d=1,fade=t=out:st=5:d=1:c=white,scale=$(SIZEW):$(SIZEH)" -c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame : video/bvid.mkv video/intro.mp4 audio/baud.wavįfmpeg -i video/intro.mp4 -ss 11 -i video/bvid.mkv \ Img/bg.png img/ico.png -transparent "#ffffff" png:- | composite \ Label:$(TITLE) png:- | composite -gravity west -geometry +64+0 - \

ffmpeg concat audio out of sync

font "URWBookman-Light" -gravity Center -size 928x1080 \

ffmpeg concat audio out of sync

Here is the Makefile (note that there is a 3-minute long audio file and a file with images that is used to make an opening splash screen): FULLAUDIO=audio/full.wavįfmpeg -ss $(AUDSTART) -i $< -t 6 -af "afade=t=in:st=0:d=3:curve=qsin,afade=t=out:st=3:d=3:curve=qsin" -c:a libmp3lame : img/bg.png img/ico.pngĬonvert -stroke white -fill white -background black -transparent "#000000" \

ffmpeg concat audio out of sync

This produces a video and audio file that can then be used to make a stream via make using the command make stream. I wrote the following shell script for making streamcasts for recording streams using ffmpeg: & ')įfmpeg -nostdin -loglevel panic -f x11grab -s $DIM -i $DISPLAY.0 -c:v libx264 "$VIDFILE" &įfmpeg -nostdin -loglevel panic -f alsa -i hw:$DEV -c:a libmp3lame "$AUDFILE" &

Ffmpeg concat audio out of sync